Dear Eiko Wilkens, some friends have told me wonders of your program, I have a Lt225C lumenera and an Imaging source DMK 31AU03.AS, they are not the most recent, can your software manage them? Or can you suggest me a version of your software that I can use with these cameras? Beforehand thank you very much!
Meine ZWO Farbkamera ASI185MC wird vom Lucam recorder nicht erkannt. Ist diese Kamera nicht im repertoire vom recorder?
The ZWO Farbkamera ASI185MC might not be supported by the Lucam Recorder.
Dear Eiko Wilkens, some friends have told me wonders of your program, I have a Lt225C lumenera and an Imaging source DMK 31AU03.AS, they are not the most recent, can your software manage them? Or can you suggest me a version of your software that I can use with these cameras? Beforehand thank you very much!